Finding a new type of Coronavirus named Code (B 1.640.2)

The magazine "medrexiv" specializing in Health Sciences said that there is a study applied to about 12 people and conducted by many scientists at the Institute of infectious diseases in the city of Marseille (IHO), and these results showed the presence of a new strain of covid-19.

Finding a new type of Coronavirus named Code (B 1.640.2)
Finding a new type of Coronavirus named Code (B 1.640.2)

She emphasized that " the modern type of virus, which I call Code (B.1.640.2), was first found last November by a person returning from Cameroon.

"According to many scientists, the genome analysis of the virus was found to contain 46 mutations," making it more resistant to many existing vaccines and more contagious than previous viruses. 

The discovery of the new mutation comes as the world is preoccupied with the spread of the krona mutant called Omicron, which is classified by the World Health Organization as "extremely worrying" because of its many mutations that can increase the risk of global infection. 

It is noteworthy that the largest percentage of cases of Micron mutant was in the United States, Britain, France and Italy, where the number of infections in the United States exceeds more than one million people, while the number of infections in France since the spread of the virus has reached more than 10 million and a half infected people.

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